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Laurent PEDESSEAU defends his HDR

Monday 17th june at 2:00 pm, INSA Rennes (amphi GCU, building 7)


Sustainable material properties by density functional theory for optoelectronics and photovoltaics

Laurent PEDESSEAU will present his research activity at FOTON Institute and propose perspectives on three complementary topics. These topics are indeed all connected to renewable and sustainable energy production.

The research project is splitted in two parts: a first one corresponding to on a short term project within less than 2 years, and a second providing long term perspectives. Two key themes are treated corresponding to the emergence of themes related to energy. Firstly, developing new studies on halide perovskites for next generations of solar cells and optoelectronic devices. Secondly, innovative solutions are proposed for the hydrogen production through the water splitting based on III-V semiconductors and using silicon as contact material.

The leitmotiv of the research project is to contribute to next generations of electronic, photonic, and solar technologies, based on low cost, abundant, and non-toxic materials. As shown on Figure 1, halide perovskite, and GaP-based on silicon are poised to set off such innovations, leading potentially to Laser, LED, photodetector, spintronic, solar cells and photocatalyst.

Figure 1: Pursuing competitive and sustainable solutions for next generation of electronic, photonic, and solar technologies, the manufacturers seek low cost, abundant, and non-toxic materials. (Source @hdr-Pedesseau)
Committee members
Magali BENOIT Research Director at CNRS, CEMES, ToulouseReferee
Gabriel BESTER Professor at University HamburgReferee
Gian-Marco RIGNANESE Professor at Université catholique de Louvain, NAPS, Louvain-la-NeuveReferee
Lionel HIRSCH Research Director at CNRS, IMS, TalenceExaminer
Xavier ROCQUEFELTE Professor at Université de Rennes, ISCR, RennesExaminer
Jacky EVEN Professor IUF at INSA Rennes, FOTON Institute, RennesInvited