PIANIST : PhysIcAl properties of hybrid semimetal/semicoNductor III-V/Si maTerials
This project aims at exploring the physical properties of hybrid semimetal/semiconductor III-V/Si materials
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Below is the list of projects in which is involved ( current projects) or has been involved (
completed projects) the Foton laboratory:
This project aims at exploring the physical properties of hybrid semimetal/semiconductor III-V/Si materials
Reduction of te contribution of low frequency noise in blue lasers (...)
Integrated optical spectroscopic sensor to detect volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the Mid-Infrared from exhaled breath.
Realization of miniature III-nitride highly coherent single mode blue lasers
Design of single-frequency laser diodes at short wavelengths (blue, violet or even deep UV) by improving the spectral and spatial properties of commercial laser diodes
Widely tunable and compact lasers, emitting at telecommunication wavelength
Investigation on how novel optical technologies could improve energy efficiency and data rate of on-chip interconnects used in many-core microprocessor architectures
Nonlinear optical properties of gallium phosphide microdisk resonators and lasers in a view of their future integration on CMOS compatible silicon chips
Franco-American exchange program for researchers between ISCR, FOTON and LANL
Demonstration of disruptive pathways towards the integration of III-V-based photonic functionalities on a single chip for optical interconnects
Development of integrated photonic crystal components on SOI for optoelectronic applications and opto-hyper digital communications
Development of a method for amplitude-phase coupling control in quantum dot lasers
Monolithic integration of high-efficiency CPV multijunction devices on a monocrystalline silicon substrate
Realization of compact demultiplexing receivers for 100 Gb/s OTDM and WDM signals, based on photonic crystal technology (membrane guides in III-V semiconductor materials)