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Foton / Enssat seminary

« Evolution of high capacity submarine systems »

Dr. Jean-Christophe ANTONA (ASN)

wednesday 20th november 2019 from 14:00 to 16:00, at Enssat-Lannion (amphi 138C)

In this seminar, we review the recent transformations that submarine optical communication networks have undergone for the past ten years, from end-to-end high capacity per fibre systems into open cables with novel design, physics and metrics, evolving towards massive spatial parallelism (SDM1) and optimized capacity per cable, while at the same time coherent technologies have led to rate-adaptive, software-defined transceivers approaching Shannon limits.

Dr. Jean-Christophe ANTONA
Alcatel Submarine Networks (ASN)
Centre Villarceaux
Route de Villejust
91620 Nozay