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Home > Teams > Photonic Systems > Lasers Physics and Applications

Lasers Physics and Applications


Manager of research group: Dr. Yannick DUMEIGE

The Lasers Physics & Applications (PLA) group studies the physics and applications of light sources such as fiber lasers, semiconductor lasers and optical micro-cavities. The applications targeted are mainly optical functions for communications and optical sensors.

The work of the PLA group is based on materials and structures produced by academic laboratories (including the OHM team), industrials and foreign partners.

The activities of the PLA group are mainly integrated in laboratory axes VI : Lasers Physics and Metrology and IV : Instrumentation, Optical Sensors and Coherent Imaging. Some targeted applications also concern axes I : Devices and functionalities for optical communications and II : Microwave, Millimeter and Tera-Hertz Optics.

More specifically, the following topics are discussed:

  • Lasers and laser architectures: quantum dots and quantum wires semiconductor lasers; Blue emitting semiconductor lasers; VCSELs; Mode-lock lasers; Medium power fiber lasers in the visible range; Single mode lasers for safety; Brillouin lasers based on highly nonlinear special optical fibers, special fibers (active or holly) with a large effective area for high power laser applications.
  • Characterization of the properties of lasers: intensity and frequency noise, laser linewidth.
  • Modelization : Analytical methods: mode coupling, distributed feedback, photonic mountaineering, "couplonics", classical (2x2) or extended (3x3) transfer matrices, generalized transfer function, ... Numerical methods: nonlinear FDTD.
  • Micro-resonators: doped or nonlinear active resonators, micro/nano-interferential optical devices, slowing down of light in cavity.

On july 1st 2017, LPA group has 18 employees, including 10 permanent staff (UR1, CNRS or ENIB), 7 doctoral students and 1 post-doctoral fellow.

  • Laboratories : Femto-ST, PhLAM-IRCICA, Xlim, ISCR, LAAS, LPL, IMT Atlantique, CNES, EPFL, RINCE Institute, CNR-IFAC, CNR-IFN, Université de Mayence, Université du Nouveau Mexique.
  • EPICs : Ifremer
  • Industrial collaboartions : Idil, Keopsys, Oxxius, Orange, Quantel, THALES, Horiba, Amplitude Systèmes, Eblana Photonics, Photonics Bretagne