Manager of research group: Dr. Joël CHARRIER
The activities of the OGC group are organized around the following topics:
- Optical characterization, coupling and assembly methods
- Development of platform integrated circuits for non-linear optic, light emission and transducer applications
- Sensor systems
These activities are carried out mainly in the two axes of the laboratory III : Innovative materials for Photonics and IV : Instrumentation, Optical Sensors and Coherent Imaging, and secondarily in the axis I : Devices and functionalities for optical communications and VI : Lasers Physics and Metrology.
In these topics, the OGC Group staff develops the following expertise for societal fields of application concerning food, health, environment and optical communications:
- Methods of characterization of optical propagation on fiber and on optical integrated circuits (analysis and characterization of losses, modes, nonlinear effects in guided optics) for wavelengths from visible to infrared;
Schematic representation of luminescence guided by top-pumping
Schematic representation of the optical characterization set-up at mid-infrared wavelength
- Optical coupling and assembly methods , in particular for special and small mode circuits, technology development for beam expansion;
Optical assembly using microlensed fiber
- Design and development of integrated optical circuits based on different types of materials: specific active and passive polymers or used as host matrix for carbon nanotubes or chromophores, porous materials (silicon, germanium and silica), special glasses (silica, chalcogenide glasse) based on the CCLO technologic platform dedicated to the development of cleanroom technology procedures. The group develops the skills associated with the design of these circuits (simulation using commercial software) and modeling (internally developed programs) of specific cases dedicated to research studies and the optical characterizations dedicated to these circuits in the Wavelength ranges from visible to infrared;
SEM images of integrated ribbon-on-silicon integrated optical waveguides
- Design and fabrication of materials for optics applied to technological needs. The group develops in parallel the physical and optical characterizations of the elaborated layers (characterizations and analyzes of surface defects, interfacing of materials and quality of diopter, insertion of molecules, ...);
SEM images of micro resonators on silicon in integrated devices based on
(a) polymers (b) porous silicon
- Design of functions from integrated optics devices. They aim to perform filtering, optical frequency conversion, laser sources, transducers with low detection limits to develop lab-on-chip type platforms;
SEM image of microdisk on pedestal in integrated optics
Integrated transducer on a silicon substrate
- Design of optical sensors for living areas (biology, medicine and sanitary engineering), Agronomy and Food Industry and Automotive;
Optical properties of silicon-based micro-resonators applied to glucose detection
- Signal processing and embedded intelligence associated with sensor systems.
On july 1st 2017, OGC group has 19 employees, including 12 permanent staff (UR1, CNRS or IMT Atlantic), 6 doctoral students and 1 post-doctoral fellow.
- Laboratories: ISCR, CSPBAT, IEMN, Cimap, Lab-STICC, IF, ICGM, IMEP-LAHC, UTT, IRT B-Com, Cerema, INRA, Agrocampus, Irisa, LOUSTIC, IFIP, Photonics Bretagne.
- Industrial collaboartions : Kerdry, Idil, Diafir, SelenOptics, Souriau, PSA, Renault, Cooperl, Roullier AII, MirSense, Eryma, Cassidian