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CCLO, NanoRennes, Persyst

3 Technical Platforms

A university technology platform is a structure designed to promote and institutionalize the support for innovation and technology transfer of public research laboratories.
Besides their natural task of contribution to the development of academic research, the innovative and original aspect of the approach is in the three founding principles of the establishment of these platforms :

- optimization of resources and skills available in public research institutions, by pooling for SMBs service ;
- creation of a space for technological services, research, education and lifelong learning ;
- developing a networking of structures working in the service of technology transfer.

The Foton lab has created three platforms of this type :

  • the Commun Centre in Lannion for Optics (CCLO)
  • NanoRennes
  • the Platform for Evaluation and Research on telecommunication SYSTems (Persyst)