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séminaire Foton / Enssat (cycle ingénieur Photonique)

« Nonlinear propagation and interaction of ultrashort pulses in integrated nanophotonic waveguides »

Dr. Charles CIRET (LPhiA)

le 26 novembre 2018 de 14h à 16h, à l’Enssat de Lannion (amphi 137C)

The high index contrast of platforms such as SOI leads to strong modal confinement and consequently very strong light-matter interactions. In particular, instantaneous third order nonlinear (Kerr) effects have been shown to be 10 5 times stronger than in other guiding platforms such as silica fibers. This allows to investigate nonlinear propagation on shorter lengths, promising much smaller footprints for applications. In particular, the generation of on-chip highly coherent supercontinuum is one of the most fascinating and complex phenomenon in nonlinear optics. Recent advances in supercontinuum generation on integrated platforms will be discussed. Then, the presentation will focus on the rich dynamics resulting from the interaction between solitons or between a soliton and a continuous wave. In particular, we will see that SOI waveguides are promising for studying gravitational effects arising at the horizon of black and white holes such as Hawking radiation.

Dr. Charles CIRET
Laboratoire de Photonique d’Angers
Université d’Angers
2 Bd Lavoisier
49045 ANGERS Cedex 01